

What is the three eccentric butterfly valve? What are the characteristics?

One, what is three eccentric

As the name implies, three eccentric valves have three "offset", one is the offset of the center line of the valve sealing surface, two is the offset of the center line of the butterfly valve shaft relative to the center of the hole, three is the offset of the axis at the conical Angle of the valve seat. The benefits of the "three shifts" design, can minimize the seals of wear and valve base, to improve the sealing effect of the valve, ensure zero leakage and prolong the service life of the valve, special design has three eccentric butterfly valve seat level to a minimum, thus reduce the butterfly valve torque at work, further improve the working performance and safety performance of the valve.

Second, the characteristics of

1. The special design of the three eccentric butterfly valve makes it have good wear resistance and pressure bearing, can achieve two-way sealing zero leakage, and has strong adaptability to the environment, even in high temperature and high pressure or more stringent working environment.

2, three eccentric butterfly valve metal to metal seal design and streamlined rectangular cone design, ensure its long service life. Eccentric valve and single eccentric, double eccentric in the procurement process should pay attention to distinguish.

Three, use

The application is very wide, on the basis of the butterfly valve to strengthen the design to enhance the valve function, so the function of the three eccentric butterfly valve is more close to the use of demand, and wear resistance, pressure resistance, longer service life.

The characteristics and uses of three eccentric butterfly valve are introduced here. If there is demand, you can find a professional company to purchase.

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