
Research and development strength of ELITE valve
Continuous innovation to provide customers with solutions

ELITE valve keeps innovating, optimizing and developing new products in the communication with customers and partners

research and development

ELITE valve's annual investment in R & D is as high as 5% of the total profit. More than 50 Aite employees from R & D, design, product management and technical coordination focus on product innovation.
technological innovation

"No matter how clever the idea is, it is meaningless not to practice it!" the famous words of founder Mr. Wu always affect every technician and engineer of Aite. The staff of the R & D center focus on the development of new technologies and the testing of new products. Of course, the excellent quality of each Aite product will be proved in the actual use process of customers

Customer orientation

Many ELITE products are jointly developed and created by us and our customers. In Aiji factory, valves with different requirements customized for customers are produced every day. In the hazardous waste water treatment industry, ELITE is the production partner of Jiejing and other large projects

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