

Elite valve customer needs change our efforts unchanged

Looking back, we are fruitful, we are full of enthusiasm; Firm now, we are full of confidence, we are passionate; Looking into the future, we are full of vigor and fighting spirit. In order to show the good style of Ait Valve Company with each passing day and vigorous development, enhance friendship and enhance cohesion, activities such as mountaineering, boating, waterfall watching, hot spring bathing and self-service barbecue will be held from November 19 to 21, 2021 in Conghua District, Guangzhou, which will be successfully concluded with the active participation of all departments.

On November 20, 2021 in the evening, I rectified on the theme of next year's planning topic meeting, was held in custom building lobby, to express company to all the staff care and greetings, recognition of a batch of outstanding performance of employees and employees, create a lively atmosphere, improve everyone's communication and exchanges, thank you a year of hard work and quiet devotion.

In the future, we will strengthen staff management, research and innovation, expand turnover, control costs and create profits. Strengthen business learning, persist in staff skills training, adopt diversified forms, combine business learning with communication skills, broaden horizons, enrich knowledge, comprehensively improve the overall quality of staff, management level; The establishment of efficient, coordinated operation of the standard of conduct management mechanism, the development of new business, and then on a new level, and strive to create a new situation in the work.

In terms of safety, we should hold a safety meeting once a week and conduct a safety inspection once a week, so that there will be records of meetings and inspections, and safety first and prevention first. On the comprehensive management of public security, it is also to speak every meeting, often check, educate employees to regard customers as God, reduce the friction and contradiction between employees and employees, employees and customers, and customers and customers. Our own staff to do for the company's stability and unity and efforts.

The meeting ended in a warm, warm and happy atmosphere, and we spent an unforgettable night together with laughter. I sincerely wish aite a more brilliant tomorrow and a more brilliant career. Let us join hands to create a miracle together!

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